They say the MONEY is in the list - here’s HOW to get it! 

Ready To Leverage The Power Of Social Media To Create An Impact?

Ready To Accelerate Your Email List To Bring In Daily Profits?

A ‘2-Minute’ Hack That Allows COACHES + EXPERTS To Build A Highly Profitable Email Lists IN JUST A FEW WEEKS!

REVEALED: A ‘2-Minute’ Hack That Allows coaches + Experts To Build A Highly Profitable Email List in just a few weeks!

Discover How To Build, Nurture & Market To An Email List In ANY Niche So You Can Build A Residual Flow Of Income Starting Today! 

Most business people and entrepreneurs let life slide without knowing that they could profit so much more if they made some minor tweaks in the business. 

Well, if you have been online for more than a minute, you’ve already heard the popular saying that ‘the MONEY is in the list’. 

Or maybe, the money is in the follow-up.

Or some variation of that.

Well, it’s trueBut how do you unlock that money?
How do you unlock the consistent residual income that you can almost predict when and where it’s going to come from? It almost sounds too good to be true huh?

Intrigued and ready to have this for yourself? Keep reading.

Because I’ve cracked the code to list building, and email follow-up. And I want to show you how to build a list, and have an audience that you OWN… 

And more, I want to show you a way to enjoy consistent income from that list. For my clients and I, it's been a total gamechanger!

Let’s get started:

How to Build an Email Power House List Of Buyers Even If Your List Can't Convert Or You Have ZERO Subscribers!

My name is Desiree Crowley

I'm a digital marketing expert, certified coach and speaker for experts and service-based business owners ready to expand their exposure and scale to six figures in their online coaching business - without unnecessary grind and hustle!

I am so excited about helping coaches and content creators grow their business and finally get out of their own way…

And finally become that industry leader and superstar that's been dying to be released!

But, It wasn’t so easy in the beginning!

I was in debt up to my eyeballs and owed thousands of dollars to debt collectors...
Like most online experts, I started my online business doing the social media grind and hustle...

Constantly creating new content round the clock, posting and praying that the right people who could afford me would magically see it and want throw their CC at me…

But it was always hit and miss. It felt like a constant battlefield with the algorithms.

Posting in other people's groups felt so icky, and most didn't even allow promotions. 

I knew I needed my OWN audience - my own list of contacts I could tap into whenever.

But my first attempt, a "free video series" BOMBED! It seriously sucked lol, mostly because I had no idea HOW to communicate exactly who I help and HOW I could help them.

Luckily, I learn from my mistakes quickly, and my next lead magnet - my conversions were through the ROOF!

From the amount of people signing up, to my landing page conversions, my cost per conversion, everything just CLICKED! And it wasn't just that... a true quantum leap followed🤯!

In just a few weeks, I had my first 500 leads in my list - without constant grinding and hustling!  My private Facebook group had grown to over a thousand engaged members!🔥🔥🔥

I pulled my first five-figure month out of that tiny list! 🤯

And I'm proud to say that every single lead funnel I've built or helped build since, has always converted like magic! 

I figured out a winning framework and the key components necessary to rapidly grow your own list of contacts that you can tap into, that you can rinse and repeat, to create multiple five-figure months!

I know many of you reading this are struggling with building an email list. And you are so over relying on social media or the occasional referral for clients!

Maybe it's the tech, maybe it's that no one seems to care about your freebie, or that you aren't getting ENOUGH of the right PEOPLE that even know about it!

If that sounds anything like you, I know I can help!  I’ve had the pleasure and opportunity to serve a growing community of over 10,000+ business owners to exponentially grow their OWN audience and visibility - without having to be at the mercy of the ever-changing social media algorithms!

My purpose is helping YOU get out of your own way, stop allowing yourself to struggle, and learn to build a kick-ass email list!

I want to help you unleash the rockstar within that's craving the results and wanting to learn the RIGHT way to build a killer list.

Thousands of Businesses/Coaches/Entrepreneurs  Stagnate JUST Because They Haven't Discovered The "SYSTEM"...

Email lists are important because email marketing is STILL one of the best ways to connect with customers. In fact, companies that employ email marketing record 6x better margins than those that don't. 

BUT how do you build a list, nurture it and even profit from it?

The fact is that MASSIVE success in business is within your reach if you can master these strategies. 

Fortunately, I have expounded them in this program for you today. I'm talking about a program that is suitable for: 

  • Coaches who want to build email lists they can market to their services.
  • Entrepreneurs who want to create awareness and make sales.
  • Content/Course Creators who want to keep promoting their offers and programs to a loyal audience.
  • Business People who want to launch new products.

That's not all!

This program helps you achieve more by teaching you secrets that are not commonly known, and even better, how to achieve more by doing less. This means that you do not have to spend countless hours on the computer, but you will employ time-saving effective mechanisms. 

This means that you will not only profit more, but you will have more time for your family, friends, activities you love, AKA have a life outside of your laptop! 

The fact is that there are a lot of guides out there that have what they claim to be ‘techniques’. There are a lot of coaches who want to help you, and they charge you A LOT...

But most hardly achieve any results. 

Now I want to present with you a real chance, a real opportunity that will help you build a profitable email list you can own and market to anytime! 

Introducing The

Email List Profits Workshop

The Email List Profits Workshop is a list-building course covering all the aspects you need to know about email, list-building, and follow-up. It comes from years of trial-and-error doing this for myself AND my high-end clients. 
Inside, you’ll learn:
  • The fundamentals of list building to turn you into a celebrity online and finally gain financial control of your future and channel that inner badass!
  • How to create effective lead magnets to help you build a list and position yourself as an expert so you can sell your offers/products.
  • How to turn your email list into the most profitable asset you will ever own and keep growing an everlasting community!
You see...

Many people are EXTREMELY afraid of the risk of wasting money and time and their precious energy on purchasing a system that may not give them results. 

In fact, many entrepreneurs fall for cheap systems that promise to teach them list building tricks in days but these never really have any value. 

They end up disappointed. 

If this sounds like you, that entrepreneur or list owner who wants to use a list to take their business to the next level, the Email List Profits Workshop is FOR YOU.
Today is your chance - Don’t miss out on experiencing the most PRACTICAL and PROVEN METHOD you’ll ever need to build a profitable email list.

It’s a PROVEN method that has helped thousands of people just like you around the world…

...I want you to enroll, and become my next success story!

What clients Are Saying...

"I enrolled FOUR new clients in less than 30 days! I currently have FOUR events scheduled to speak at in 2018! My free consult calendar has been filling up. I am showing up everyday, doing live videos every week.
My following increased by hundreds! I was able to compare her to another mentor I had signed up with just prior, and Desiree BY FAR surpassed the other mentor's help. If you want HONEST help, Desi is your gal.
Desiree has a gift. If you are wondering if you should work with her, DO IT!"

- Jodi W MS, RDN-Dietitian and Transformation Coach
"Within 2 weeks of working with Desi, I had my first 10k live stream . 6 months later, I've quadrupled my income!
My life is completely different after working with Desi. Not only am I more confident in life and business but I am actually making money- A LOT of money.
Her coaching and energy will completely shift the way you see yourself and business and you cannot afford NOT to work with her. I am on my second 1:1 package with her and thank the universe every day that I found her!"

- Suzie A. Transformational Brand Coach and Travel Influencer

The Email List Profits Workshop Is For Anyone Who Wants To...

Email List Profits Workshop Is For Anyone Who Wants To...

  • Build an email list they can profit from
  • Own an email list they can control and monetize anytime
  • Learn how to create effective lead magnets
  • ​And much much more! 
However, THIS program is not for everyone: those who are not ready to step out of their comfort take action will certainly NOT benefit from this.

I’ve Made It Dead Simple For You To Get Started With The Email List Profits Workshop

On the other side of this page, you’ll get everything you need to get started right away. 

You don’t need to wait. 

Everything you need to start building a profitable email list is in this program. 

The Email List Profits Workshop contains the most thorough and practical steps + exercises + templates to get you on the path of a successful email list building. 

Here’s What You’ll Get In The 
Email List Profits Workshop:

Exactly how to add hundreds new leads to Your Email List

How to Create Your First lead Funnel...Step by STep!

How To Finally grow an eager Audience (That you own)

How To Create a great Lead Magnet That Will Actually Convert

 And we also have some AMAZING Bonuses waiting for you:

a plug-and-play Shared Funnel template* 
(proven to convert)

*Comes with ClickFunnels 
14-day trial 
(File with exact framework also provided)

 Post/ad creation swipe file (to drive the right people to your list)

 plug-and-play Welcome Email* automation (To nurture your new leads)

*Comes with Active Campaign 
14-day trial
(File with exact framework also provided)

Full Welcome Email Sequence  
(Swipe Files)

As an expert at this, I'm on a mission to help YOU build the most profitable Email List that you will have total control over in any niche using the Email List Profits Workshop 


But you won’t be paying ANYWHERE near that...

For a very limited time, you can get access to the

Email List Profits Workshop

Reg. $997

ONLY $37!

See what's possible for you too! 
Wanna be the next one sliding into my DMs with your wins?😉

You Really Only Have 3 Options...

You could leave this page. But after what you’ve just read about building profitable lists and what's available for you...I’d be surprised if you make that choice. No one is more special than you. If it's possible for me and them, it is for you too!
You can watch 70 videos from random vloggers on Youtube and try piece together alternative techniques - but you already know all that fluff will be a massive waste of your precious time! That's also what we call a Frankenstein business ;)
You can decide RIGHT NOW that you want to MASTER these easy skills and build a list that you will profit from for many years to come! 
The choice is yours…

Building an Email List that you will own and use to make profits moving forward should be your BIGGEST priority...

About Desiree Crowley

Desiree Crowley is highly knowledgeable on building email lists and internet marketing and is dedicated towards helping individuals learn the intricacies behind building profitable email lists.  

Through experience and a lot of testing, Desiree has mastered the art of email marketing and how they are essential for you as an entrepreneur, business owner or even just an internet marketer. .

Her strategies have helped thousands of people around the world build highly profitable email lists. 

This workshop is meant to help you achieve similar success and move to the next level of your life.
Your results may vary and will depend on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, commitment, and other factors. There is no guarantee of success. 

No earnings projections, promises, or representations made anywhere on this website or in our marketing materials implies or guarantees your future prospects, earnings and income. No warranties, promises, ideas, or suggestions made herein imply that you will earn the same and should not be interpreted as such.

All testimonials shared are real and verified by students/clients/participants of our programs/products. Your purchase of our products or programs does not guarantee any type of earnings or income statements and any claims made here are only meant to be used as an estimate and examples of what's possible. You may end up earning more or less, depending on several factors including your commitment to the program, skills, existing knowledge and expertise in the field, audience size, lead quality, market conditions, and other factors. 

You accept and assume the entire risk of not getting the full return on your investment and always have the option to make use of any guarantees provided. There is no guarantee that any prior success you have had or past results with similar programs will predict future success. There is no guarantee of success if you have completed a previous version of this program/have upgraded to a newer version of the product.

Nothing shared here should replace professional financial or business advice. You are responsible for doing your own due diligence about our product(s) or program(s) to determine whether this is a viable opportunity for you. You are responsible for contacting a lawyer, financial advisor, business advisor, and other professionals before acting on any of this information.

The owner of this site and creator(s) of this product/program assume no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred, directly or indirectly, when you act upon the information provided in this program or in our marketing materials, including Facebook ads, emails, and other collateral where our opinions, ideas, or strategies are shared and expressed.